Welcome Ministry
The mission of the Welcome Ministry is to meet and greet visitors and newcomers and help them feel at home in our church community. We want to introduce them to other members, and answer questions they may have about Orthodoxy, or our many ministries, organizations, and activities.
For those new to the Metroplex, new to Orthodoxy, or just interested in learning more about the Orthodox faith, please join us for Sunday Divine Liturgy, with Orthros (pre-liturgy Psalms), beginning at 8:00 a.m., and Liturgy at 9:15.
First time visitors are encouraged to seek out one of our ambassadors, identified by their name tags which say WELCOME, visit our WELCOME kiosk in the Narthex, or inquire at the candle counter. We look forward to meeting you and answering your questions.
Or you may contact:
Diane Pakes ♦ 972-333-6470 ♦ dmpakes@gmail.com
Greg Pakes ♦ 214-906-7915 ♦ gjpakes@aol.com
Church Office ♦ 972-991-1166 ♦ htgoc@holytrinitydallas.org