Sunday Church School (PreK-12th grade)

Sunday Church School

For more information regarding SCS contact our director Christine Vergos.

Spanning generations, this program nurtures our most precious resource, our children. Children raised in this program are taught the spiritual values of Greek Orthodoxy, and are given a moral compass to guide them for the rest of their lives. The goal of our program is simple: we wish to share the message of Christ’s love with our children and for them to live that message every day of their lives as they grow into the adults who will shape our world.

Our Sunday Church School, equipped with the latest and best teaching aids, a sound yet flexible curriculum, and staff by qualified teachers, has the following three goals:

1. To educate our children spiritually and morally, in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the faith and traditions of the Greek Orthodox Church.

2. To develop in our children the habit of attending church regularly, studying the Scriptures, and participating conscientiously in the worship and sacramental life of our church.

3. To cultivate in our children a Greek Orthodox conscience and devotion to our ideals and to prepare them so that they become faithful and devoted dynamic members of our church, our community, and our country.