North Texas Orthodox Missions (NTOM)
The Orthodox Christian parishes of North Central Texas are represented in this joint ministry to provide a witness to the Orthodox Christian faith. Both clergy and laity from many jurisdictions worship and work together to support local, national and international Orthodox Christian mission efforts.
NTOM meets regularly, with meeting locations alternating between participating parish locations around the Metroplex, including Holy Trinity. NTOM provides supports a number of benevolence and missionary efforts, including the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) and International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC).
The group also organizes an annual conference, usually held in January or February, on themes relevant to Orthodox Christian life. The 2020 conference will be on the topic of "Physical and Spiritual Health through good nutrition, fasting and an active prayer life," featuring guest speaker Rita Madden, MPH, RDN, author of the book Food, Faith and Fasting, A Sacred Journey to Better Health.
To learn more about this year's conference, including times and locations, download a copy of the flyer.
To learn more about NTOM, including how to become involved, visit the NTOM website.