St. Barbara's Philoptochos

Derived from the Greek, the name Philoptochos means “friend of the poor.” As such, the Ladies Philoptochos Society of Holy Trinity is a vibrant source of fellowship and philanthropic service in our community.

The National Ladies Philoptochos Society was established in 1931 by the late Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I and has since become one of the largest Christian women’s philanthropic organizations in the United States.

The Patron Saints of Philoptochos are Saints Cosmas and Damianos, the Holy Unmercenaries. They were physicians who tended to the poor and afflicted without compensation except to ask the healed that they confess and believe in Christ. Their lives ended in martyrdom in the year 284, under Roman Emperors Carinus and Numerian.

The purposes of Philoptochos are:

  • Philanthropy - National and local support of charitable organizations and individuals in acute need.
  • Fellowship - Creating opportunities for greater interaction among members of the parish.
  • Outreach - Largely focused on providing food to those in need beyond our parish community.

The 2023-2025 St. Barbara's Philoptochos Board members are:

Tori Hirner, President
Lorraine Cosmopoulos, Vice President
Karen Karahalios, Treasurer
Pres. Thea Pakes, Corresponding Secretary
Diane Pappas, Advisor to the President
Elaine Xeros, Georgia Nichols, Joanna Spahis, and Anna Koroneos, Board Members

For more information, please contact the church office at 972-991-1166 or by email at