2016 Parish Council officers elected

After their swearing-in on January 3, the 2016 Parish Council elected its officers for the year. Also, at their first regular meeting of the year, acting in accordance with Metropolis regulations, the council selected Ellena Fox to fill the vacancy on the council that arose after the most recent election. The council also decided on committee and liaison assignments for the year.

We encourage all parishioners to bring their concerns or suggestions to the council members responsible for the relevant areas as listed below. Parishioners can also email the council at pcfeedback@holytrinity.info.

2016 Parish Council officers

President - Jim Dolmas
Vice President - Tasos Kaiafas
Treasurer - Bill Zaemes
Recording Secretary - Dimitrios Horiates
Corresponding Secretary - Mary LeBrecht

2016 Committee/Liaison Assignments

Louis Antos - Stewardship
Nick Cimino - Stewardship
Jim Chappel - Communication/Social Media
Jim Dolmas - HTA
Ellena Fox - Stewardship
Christina Hochleutner - Choir, Welcoming
Dimitrios Horiates - Welcoming
Peter Hronas - Strategic/capital planning
Tasos Kaiafas - Strategic/capital planning
Mary LeBrecht - Catechetical school
Fotis Papanicolaou  - Youth (GOYA, HTHD)
Ari Rigopoulos - Facilities
Wade Stephens - Orthodox outreach
Mary Ann Trapalis - Youth (HOPE, JOY)
Dimitri Tsevoukas - Festival, Greek School
Alin Voicu - Stewardship
Bill Zaemes - Finance