Parish News
Join your Holy Trinity family for our annual baseball outing!
Celebrate our church's Name Day with burgers, music and dancing!
Applications are now available!
Consider volunteering as a group or family to help fill several openings in our Coffee Hour schedule.
Please join us on Sunday, August 20, when we celebrate the beginning of the 2017-2018 Catechetical School year!
Scaffolding has gone up for the installation of icons in the nave of our church.
Board members of St. Barbara's Philoptochos were sworn in Sunday, August 6
Thank you to everyone who pitched in! While our supply drive at Holy Trinity has ended, there are still ways for you to help the victims of this devastating natural disaster.
Come and celebrate IOCC's 25th anniversary and learn about ongoing humanitarian efforts in Greece, Syria, Ethiopia and around the world.
Register your child during the month of October for our church's Greek dance troupe.
Would you like to know more about the Orthodox faith? Join us Wednesday evenings for Faith Enrichment.
Visit our Holy Trinity Bookstore to see what's new this Fall!
Save the date and make every effort to attend this important meeting!
Newly elected members to serve in 2018-2019.
The St. Basil's Fellowship invites all to attend the celebration and brunch on Monday, January 1st.
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