Parish News

Fall General Assembly set for November 12
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Save the date and make every effort to attend this important meeting!

Parish Council election results
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Newly elected members to serve in 2018-2019.

Saint Basil's celebration 2018
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

The St. Basil's Fellowship invites all to attend the celebration and brunch on Monday, January 1st.

Vasilopita Celebration is January 7th
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

The annual St. Barbara's Philoptochos Vasilopita Celebration benefiting St. Basil's Academy is January 7th.

Vasilopita Celebration raises over $21,000
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Thank you to everyone who supported this event benefiting our Archdiocese's home for children in need!

St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival, February 11
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Our parish's annual oratorical festival will be held Sunday, February 11.

Parish Oratorical Festival results
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Congratulations to the participants of the Oratorical Festival that took place on February 11th.

Apokriatiko Glendi, February 17
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

The Nafpaktian Brotherhood is hosting its annual dinner-dance Saturday, February 17.

Godparent-Godchild Sunday
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Our church's annual Godparent-Godchild Sunday is February 18.

HTA unveils new logo, program for stewards
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

The school is also holding an Open House on February 26th.

AHEPA Scholarship applications available
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Scholarships are available at the local, district and national levels.

School kits for the children of Greece
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

IOCC is asking our Youth to help provide necessary supplies for the children of Greece.

Mission Blankets Update
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Thank you to all who have helped make Mission Blankets so productive!

New ministry for parents and young children
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Learn more about 'Mommy & Me', a ministry in partnership with Ss. Constantine & Helen A.O.C.

Ordination of Deacon Mark Pakes
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

On March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation, Deacon Mark Pakes will be ordained to the holy priesthood by His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah.

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