Parish News

Ministry Fair Sunday, May 5
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

After Liturgy, learn about the many ministries and organizations of Holy Trinity.

Philoptochos Scholarships available
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Applications are now available for scholarships sponsored or administered by St. Barbara's Philoptochos.

Watch the message from His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros to the Faithful of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

Name Day Panegyri, June 17
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Celebrate our church's Name Day with burgers, music and dancing!

OCF information for area students
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

High school graduates and college students staying in the metroplex, consider joining an area Orthodox Christian Fellowship chapter.

Coffee Hour sponsors needed
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Please consider hosting one of these fellowship opportunities for our community.

Enthronement of Archbishop Elpidophoros, June 22
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Watch the enthronement of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros live online.

Pan-Orthodox event, July 20
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Parishioners of Holy Trinity parish are encouraged to attend this event hosted by NTOM.

New Sunday service times
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Beginning August 4, Sunday Orthros will start at 8:00 a.m., and Divine Liturgy will start at 9:15 a.m.

HTA Tailgate party, August 24
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Come celebrate HTA's 20th birthday!

2019-2020 Philoptochos Board sworn in
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Board members of St. Barbara's Philoptochos were sworn in Sunday, August 25.

An Evening to Benefit IOCC, October 10
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Please join us Thursday, October 10, and learn about the ongoing humanitarian efforts of IOCC in Greece, Syria, Ethiopia, and right here in the US.

Exciting News for the Men of the Church!
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Register now for the Lionheart Sessions, sponsored by the Holy Trinity Men's Ministry! RSVP required - don't miss out!

"OXI" Day Celebration, October 27
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

The Greek School and Greek School PTA invite all Holy Trinity parishioners to join them on Sunday, October 27, for an OXI Day celebration and coffee hour following Divine Liturgy.

Fall General Assembly Sunday, November 10th
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970

Save the date and make every effort to attend this important meeting!

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