Parish News
Our 2020 Stewardship campaign has begun, with the theme "A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven."
Voting will take place after Divine Liturgy until 2 p.m.
It's not too late to join this course for Orthodox men - register by January 7 for Session 3.
Congratulations to the newly elected members for 2020 - 2021.
Join us in support of St. Basil Academy!
Register now for this year's NTOM-sponsored conference.
Learn how you can help this Ministry spread Christ's love.
The seminar provides spiritual preparation for the sacrament of marriage.
Save the date and make every effort to attend this important meeting!
Posted: Thursday, January 01, 1970
Read how Holy Trinity is responding to Dallas County's emergency declaration regarding the spread of COVID-19.
View texts, in English and Greek, for Vespers (3/21) and Orthros (3/22) for the Third Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross.
Please see this important message from Fr. Peter.
With restrictions in place due to the Coronavirus, online viewing is more important than ever. Learn how to watch our services online.
May God guide them as they serve our Holy Trinity Parish community!
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