Parish News
Join in a virtual celebration commemorating Greece's refusal to yield to the Axis powers in 1940.
If you missed our October 15 Virtual Town Hall, a video is available to view.
Learn more about this Facebook Live culinary event featuring chef Dimitrios Vagenas.
Join this Zoom meeting to learn more about the work about the life-saving works of IOCC!
Voting will take place after Divine Liturgy, December 12, until 2:00 p.m.
Make plans to join us Saturday evening, November 6, and Sunday following Liturgy, November 7.
Learn about plans to beautify and update our church's sanctuary.
Consider becoming a part of this vital ministry!
There will be a Virtual General Assembly on Thursday, December 10th. You must register to attend.
Click For More Info & to Donate
Click to view the Virtual Town Hall held on Thursday, April 15th
Celebrate the 4th of July after Divine Liturgy with hot dogs, watermelon, lemonade and more, hosted by the brothers of AHEPA.
Celebrate our church's Name Day with burgers, music and dancing!
Plan on attending this important meeting of our parish.
Join us after Liturgy September 5, as we wish farewell to our beloved Fr. Peter and the Kostakis family.
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