Parish News
The deadline to apply is May 31.
Learn more about this most beautiful and sacred week in the Orthodox Church.
Plan now to attend this important meeting of our parish!
All are invited to this celebration of Greek courage!
We are in need of individuals, families or ministries to host Sunday Coffee Hours. Please consider signing up!
The new Parish Council also elected officers for the coming year.
Are you interested in serving Holy Trinity as a member of the Parish Council? HTGOC is currently accepting names for nomination of qualified candidates for our Parish Council elections.
This important meeting will be held in-person following Liturgy, with a virtual option.
Register now for this important meeting of our parish community.
Join us for paraklesis & fellowship before you head off for school.
Join us on August 15th to welcome our new youth director, Katie Andrews, and kick off your school year with some serious fun.
You may have noticed that our website looks a bit different!
Join in these online events celebrating 200 years of Greek independence.
Reserve your spot today for this wonderful event benefiting our parish preschool.
The audience was treated to outstanding and insightful speeches from our youth.
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