Parish News
Consider volunteering as a group or family to host an upcoming Sunday coffee hour.
All men of our community are welcome to attend these opportunities for fellowship and growth.
Please make an effort to attend this important meeting.
The new Parish Council also elected officers for the coming year.
On Sunday, August 9, we celebrated the ordination to the diaconate of Chris Stern.
St. Barbara's Philoptochos recently announced winners of its Alpha Omega and St. Barbara's Fund scholarships.
Work has begun on the first phase in the installation.
Deacon Mark Pakes and Milton Plomarity will be holding a meeting for Boy and Girl Scouts interested in earning the Orthodox Religious Awards.
Consider joining us Thursday mornings for a study of St. Paul's Letter to the Hebrews.
The annual St. Barbara's Philoptochos Vasilopita Celebration benefiting St. Basil's Academy is January 10th.
Members of the 2016 parish council will be sworn in after Divine Liturgy on January 3.
The annual Metropolis of Denver GOYA basketball event will be held here in Dallas, the weekend of January 15-17. The annual basketball tournament brings together GOYANS and family members from throughout the Metropolis of Denver. It is the largest gathering of any kind in the Metropolis and offers an atmosphere of Christian fellowship and friendly competition. Our Holy Trinity youth teams have practicing hard in preparation for the tournament. Everyone is welcome to come and show their support for our youth
Dr. Philip Mamalakis will be the featured speaker for the conference on "Marriage and Family: An Invitation to Love."
Our church's annual Godparent-Godchild Sunday will be February 21.
The 2016 Parish Council has elected officers and made committee assignments for the year.
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