AHEPA to host annual Agape Picnic Easter Sunday
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Agape Picnic
Sponsored by Dallas Ahepa Chapter 20
Proceeds to benefit the Senior Division winner of St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival of Dallas, Texas with a $500.00 college scholarship
Sunday, April 16, 2017 Immediately following Agape Service
Tickets: Adults: $20.00 and Children (12 and under): $5.00
Tickets on sale on Sunday, April 2 & 9 during Coffee Hour and at the door, Sunday, April 16th
Activities (weather permitting): Children’s Crafts, Easter Egg Hunt, Softball, Badminton, games, etc.
Menu: Greek roasted lamb, chicken lemonato, hot dogs, salad and dessert
All parishioners, visitors and their families welcomed!