Parish Council announces new Motor Pool Ministry

Holy Trinity would like to guarantee that every parishioner who wants to attend Sunday Liturgy is able to attend, regardless of their transportation circumstances. Some may be elderly and no longer able to drive. Perhaps they typically rely on a son or daughter to bring them, but the son or daughter is out of town. Other parishioners may simply be going through a spell without access to a car.

We never want difficulties like these to stand in the way of someone’s participating in the liturgical life of the Church.

This is a challenge we all can help meet, together, through something that the Parish Council calls the Motor Pool Ministry, a network of parishioners willing to offer a ride to church to someone who lives in their area.

How does it work? To start, parishioners who are interested and able to occasionally offer a ride to someone in their area sign up as MPM volunteers. The church office will maintain a list of all MPM volunteers. Then, someone who needs a ride will contact the church office staff, who will contact a nearby MPM volunteer. It’s as simple as that. 

For the next few weeks, we will be soliciting volunteers. Once we have a large enough pool, with enough geographic coverage, we will start running a regular ad in the Sunday bulletin, Ekfonesis, and EMM with instructions for those who need a ride, on how to take advantage of the service.

This will be a great blessing to our community if we can make this ministry a reality. If you would like to volunteer, you may email the church office at Please include your name and address, and please mention Motor Pool Ministry in the subject line. The Parish Council will also have a sign-up table at Sunday coffee hour for the next several weeks. We hope you will consider participating.