
What is Stewardship?

The Christian Stewardship Program is an opportunity to respond to Christ's love by perpetuating His ministry through the Church. Stewardship places the responsibility to support the Church exactly where it belongs, on us.

Learn more about Orthodox Stewardship

"Your own gifts we offer to you," with these words we offer ourselves and all of creation to the Lord at every Divine Liturgy. We acknowledge that everything we offer to God is a gift from Him. We take what God has given and we return it to Him as a gesture of our thanksgiving and praise.

As Stewards of God's gifts, we return to Him a portion of our time, service and money for Christ's work on earth through His Church.


2025 Stewardship Commitment

We ask that you prayerfully consider making your commitment pledge toward this year's Stewardship drive. Click below to make your Stewardship commitment pledge or set up a recurring payment schedule.



Give Online

You may make one-time or recurring donations. Please click below and choose from the drop-down menu where you would like your offering to go.





Your financial gifts to Holy Trinity ensure that God’s work is touching lives in North Texas and all around the world. Whether they are used to repair a leaky roof, send a child to camp or support Orthodox missions across the globe, your contributions further God’s Kingdom and provide operational resources for our parish.