Our Greek School - General Information
Greek School is a testing center for the
Certificate of Attainment in Modern Greek (Update coming soon!)
Greek School Scholarships available through the
George Nikolopoulos Endowment Fund (Update coming soon!)
Scholarship Application 2023-2024 (Update coming soon!)
Forms and Information
Afternoon classes are beginning August 22. Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:00–6:30 pm. Days of classes will be finalized by the end of August. Enrolling will be on-going through September. Download a registration form.
Adult Classes
In-person Adult Beginners 1 classes will begin Tuesday, September 5. Online Beginners 1 Classes will begin on Thursday, September 7. Online Beginners 2 classes: TBV. Classes meet 7:00–8:30 pm. Three consecutive sessions will be held for the 2023-2024 academic year.
For more information, starting August 7, contact Paul Kolostroubis at greekschool@holytrinitydallas.org.