Holy Trinity Youth Ministries


HOPE (Pre-k and Kindergarten)


 For more information contact our

Parish Youth Director (link above)



HOPE is for children ages 3 years old to kindergarten. It brings together parents and children of the same age who share common interests and offers opportunities to build friendships that help us grow both spiritually and socially. The mission of HOPE is to strengthen the relationship of young Orthodox Christians. The program works to educate young members of Holy Trinity, encouraging them to become active sacramental participants in Church. HOPE provides an opportunity to come together for religious education and fellowship.


Once a month JOY and HOPE gather for a monthly afternoon event which includes a lesson, craft, music and activities that engage the children in a themed Orthodox curriculum.



Holy Trinity Hellenic Dancers (HTHD)


For more information contact the HTHD instructors



Our goal through our HTHD dance program is to develop pride in our Greek heritage through dance and fellowship among our youth. 


HTHD is a hellenic dance program, with monthly practices starting in January and ending in May. Weekly practices pick up in September-November in preparation for the Greek Food Festival which falls annually the first weekend in November. Costumes are provided for 1st graders through 12th graders. 


If you can walk....you can dance, so get ready to get your OPA on!


Altar Boys



For more information contact the Parish Pastoral Assistant. (link above)


All young men, grades fourth through twelfth grade, are invited to participate in the parish's acolyte program. Every week, the parish's acolytes will take turns by assignment serving in the altar, working under the mentorship of our parish priests, deacons, and long-serving laymen.


Each year, Holy Trinity hosts a one-day retreat for incoming acolytes to get acquainted with the altar, the jobs, and the meaning behind their service.


HT Choir

Holy Trinity Choir


The Holy Trinity Choir sings majestic settings of the Divine Liturgy on Sunday mornings and on special feast days. The Holy Trinity Choir extends an invitation to all individuals, who wish to glorify God through chant to participate in singing the hymns of the Church.

All youth 2nd grade and up are eligible to join the choir, which meets to practice on Mondays at 7:00 p.m.


Please contact our choir director Janine Shinn for more information. (email above)