2019-2020 Philoptochos Board sworn in, officers elected
Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday, August 25, the 2019-2020 Board of St. Barbara's Philoptochos was sworn in. Father Peter administered the oath on the solea.
After Divine Liturgy, Board members met to elect officers. The officers are:
- Diane Pappas—President
- Janine Shinn—1st Vice President
- Trang Vo—2nd Vice President
- Monica Arroyo—Recording Secretary
- Suzan Kontoulis-Clinton—Corresponding Secretary
- Karen Karahalios—Treasurer
- Lorraine Cosmopoulos—Assistant Treasurer
- Joanna Spahis—Adviser to the Board
Other Board members are: Liz Michael, Stacia Gialamas, Victoria Hirner, Anna Koroneos, Estelle Odell, Thea Pakes, Hrisanthe Patts, Nina Rokas, Dimitra Spiliotis, Christina Zarras, Elaine Xeros, and Christina Hochleutner (alternate).
Congratulations to all the new officers and board members!