Parish News
The annual St. Barbara's Philoptochos Vasilopita Celebration benefiting St. Basil's Academy is January 7th.
Thank you to everyone who supported this event benefiting our Archdiocese's home for children in need!
Our parish's annual oratorical festival will be held Sunday, February 11.
Congratulations to the participants of the Oratorical Festival that took place on February 11th.
The Nafpaktian Brotherhood is hosting its annual dinner-dance Saturday, February 17.
Our church's annual Godparent-Godchild Sunday is February 18.
The school is also holding an Open House on February 26th.
Scholarships are available at the local, district and national levels.
IOCC is asking our Youth to help provide necessary supplies for the children of Greece.
Thank you to all who have helped make Mission Blankets so productive!
Learn more about 'Mommy & Me', a ministry in partnership with Ss. Constantine & Helen A.O.C.
On March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation, Deacon Mark Pakes will be ordained to the holy priesthood by His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah.
AHEPA, Philoptochos 2018 scholarship winners announced
The date is different but the Spirit of Independence is the same!
His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah announced the appointment in a letter to the parish dated April 2.
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