Ministry Fair is Sunday, May 5

Following Divine Liturgy on Sunday, May 5, join us in the Arthur L. Sarris Community Center for our annual Holy Trinity Ministry Fair. Whether you are new to the community or a life-long member, this is a great opportunity to learn about all the groups and activities Holy Trinity has to offer.

Over twenty ministries and organizations will be represented, including:

Youth groups: HOPE, JOY, GOYA, Telos Mission Blankets
AHEPA Prison Ministries
OCF Welcome Committee
Holy Trinity Hellenic Dancers Vacation Bible School
Senior Fellowship Austin Street
Daughters of Penelope Choir
Caregivers North Texas Orthodox Missions
Greek School Sunday School
Philoptochos Men's Ministry
Sisterhood of Ksenia Parish Council
North Dallas Shared Ministries Bookstore


Sponsored by the Holy Trinity Stewardship Committee.