Special General Assembly moved to September 19, following Divine Liturgy [Updated!]

Updated, 7/15: Information for those wishing to participate virtually is at the bottom!

Dear Holy Trinity Parishioners,

After having received feedback from many of our Parishioners, which includes concerns expressed with the virtual Special Assembly, we have decided to reschedule to an in-person Special Assembly on Sunday September 19, to be held immediately after Divine Liturgy in the ALS Community Center.

Additionally, we received numerous questions regarding the sale of the North Property that we felt could be better answered and discussed in an in-person meeting format. We appreciate the feedback we received that helped us to reach this decision.

We will be providing a new Zoom registration link for our parishioners who will not be able to attend the in-person assembly meeting. Those who will participate in this manner will be able to ask questions and to vote on the proposed sale. Any parishioner who registered for the previous and now rescheduled virtual Special Assembly must re-register via the new Zoom registration link which will be sent out in the following days.

This Special Assembly will only consider the issue of the proposed sale of the North Property. No other proposals or issues will be considered or voted upon.

Thank you for your patience with this process, as well as your love and support of our Holy Trinity Parish.

In His Service and Love,

Fr. Mark Pakes, Proestamenos
Harry Tomasides, 2021 Parish Council President

If you are not able to attend the in-person meeting on Sunday, you will still be able to participate online instead of coming to the Community Center (you cannot do both). Here’s how:

  • Request to participate on-line by clicking the registration link below. Your request will be checked for eligibility to ensure you are a member in good standing.
  • If you are a member in good standing, then you will be sent a Zoom link to attend and vote in the meeting.
  • Make certain all eligible members of a household register individually and sign in from their own separate device in order to be counted on Sunday.
  • If you are not considered a member in good standing, you will not be allowed to vote, but will be provided a “dial in” phone number to listen to the meeting.

Once again, you do NOT need to register if you plan on coming in-person on Sunday. Please register no later than 10:00 p.m. on Saturday. Please note that the online option has been approved by Metropolitan Isaiah.
