Special General Assembly: Update

Hello, Holy Trinity Parishioners.

We are excited about the Special General Assembly (via ZOOM) regarding the potential sale of the North Property that will be held on Thursday, September 9th, at 7 p.m.
You are now invited to register by clicking this link. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_W4D9GBeARM2LPn9lm_bz3w

During the registration process please take the opportunity to submit questions regarding the potential sale. Your questions will help us be better prepared to have a fruitful discussion. Additionally, in order to vote, you will be asked if you are a member in good-standing and the names and email addresses of the members of your household who will be a part of the meeting.

Over 100 parishioners participated in the Town Hall a couple of weeks ago to discuss the potential sale and everyone asked some very good questions. For those who missed it, here is the link to watch it: https://youtu.be/XKtiD6YBnXQ. This should provide everyone the necessary context around the Parish Councils unanimous recommendation to sell the property to Charles Hicks Inc LLC for $2.5 million to build 8-11 homes.

Here are some of the key points for everyone to consider:

  • The property was purchased in 2004 for about $1 million.
  • We have a contract for the property for $2.5 million pending approval of the Holy Trinity parishioners.
  • Through June of 2020 we successfully rented the property to other churches, most recently for $6,000/mo. It has sat vacant since June 2020.
  • Over the last 15 months, through the guidance of Jimmy Christon, Frank Mihalopoulos and John Papadopoulos we have tried to determine the best use for the facility.
  • On 7/1/21 we were cited by the City of Dallas for code violations for the roof, rotted wood, interior walls and ceiling “NOT in operating condition”. This citation means $150,000 in immediate expenses to avoid more fines. Additionally the property needs an additional $300,000 to make it “rent-ready”.
  • By selling the property, we have the opportunity to take advantage of the current residential market.
  • By selling the property Holy Trinity will gain much needed financial flexibility as we continue to grow as a parish.

We look forward to seeing everyone on September 9th @ 7 p.m.

May God continue to guide us to humbly serve Him.

Harry Tomasides, Parish Council President and your 2021 Parish Council