Updates regarding COVID-19, March 17
Beloved Parishioners,
I pray you and your families are well. The Denver Clergy have received some directives from His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah. He describes them as not ideal, but they are to help us temporarily, always mindful of our salvation.
Until further notice:
- The Lenten services of the Divine Liturgy, Compline, Vespers, Salutations, and will be online only. No one is to attend besides the priests unless the priests call someone to substitute for chanting. We emphasize that the flame for the Sacred Services is alive and unashamed, and that the services are on behalf of all the people.
- All services will be webcast at http://www.holytrinitydallas.org/worship-webcast. We are thankful that you will be able to join us in prayer through the internet. We view the offering of the Liturgical Services of our parish as a vital ministry of our Community of Faith. Please share with anyone who may wish to connect in prayer.
- We will not be able to hold the Presanctified Liturgy. (Tomorrow's Liturgy [3/18] is cancelled.)
- Funeral services will be sung only with the immediate family of the deceased in attendance.
- All non-liturgical meetings are still cancelled.
- Confessions, communion, and any pastoral visits are available by appointment by calling Father Peter or Father Mark.
His Eminence shares this:
While I fully understand the intent of today's "social distancing," I am very much opposed to the term. Rather, I prefer physical distancing, because the pandemic requires us to be physically spread out. Our social community, the Church family which constitutes the very body of Christ should not, or better yet cannot be distanced. As the temporary accommodations physically separate us for a time, may our loving and merciful God preserve His people as he has done for almost two thousand years, and ultimately draw us closer to Him and one another in the very near future.
Please remain vigilant for further updates. May the All-Holy Spirit, which connects across time and space always lead us from strength to strength!
Love in Christ,
Fr. Peter