Viewing services online [Updated]
Update [3/23]: We realize there have been some issues with our webcast. As an alternative, we will also try to stream all our services on Facebook. If you encounter problems with the webcast service described below, please check our Facebook page to see if the service is streaming there. Our Facebook page also has archived versions of previously-streamed services. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
As we adapt to the limitations put in place in response to the Coronavirus, we want to make sure our parishioners all know how to view our services online through our Worship Webcast. To see our Worship Webcasts, just click on the webcast link in the menu above (or click here).
The viewer has two tabs, one for "Live" services and a second for our "Archive" of previously recorded services. Our intention for this Lenten season is to make a greater number of archived services available for viewing. At any given time, you should be able to view that past week or more of services.
Remember: though physical distance separates us, we remain one Body in Christ. As His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros said in a recent message to the Orthodox faithful on this subject:
“As Christians, we must take responsibility for the well being of others. We can be united in the spirit even as we are apart in the body. In fact, protecting the health of those around us is a powerful witness to our faith, that we place the good of others above our own. With our faith in God, we can overcome these present difficulties, using the rational, scientific knowledge that we possess through our God-given intelligence.
“As your shepherd, I will be ever-vigilant for the welfare of our Archdiocese, praying in the Chapel of Saint Paul every day for all of you, for our Nation, and for the world. Above all, I will offer the Holy and Divine Liturgy for the life of each and every one of you. May the Lord keep us all in health and safety until these challenges have passed.”
Please let our clergy know if you have any questions.